December and the lead up to Christmas is already hard enough without your climber friend or better half being super picky about what pieces of gear they like or don't like. So the staff here at Mountain Equipment have put together some gift guides that will make it look like you did hours of painstaking research to get just the right thing.
There's everything that ranges from $20 for a work secret Santa or stocking filler right up to $600 for that super special someone in your life that will say you truely value them and will love them forever. So here we go...

Before we really begin... you cannot go wrong with a Mountain Equipment Gift Card. In no way is it a "cop out". It's specific enough to say you know what they're in to, but it also tells them that you know they like to choose what they need on their next adventure.
Now the common perception is that climbers are picky people and really hard to buy gifts for and this is true to a certain extent. Climbers can be very particular about what they climb on the wall with, what they trust their lives with and gives them better "on rock" performance - their shoes, harness, rope, hardware etc. But there is a heap of other things that will feed the stock of any climber no matter if they're into bouldering, sport, trad or whatever.
Climbing Guides
Nothing says that you value your partner or friend's passion and sense of adventure like gifting them a climbing guide to an area they have never been. It sparks a flame every time - believe us!
Instructional Books
Similar to climbing guides, instructional books light a flame that burns for a long time. If your friend or partner is newer to climbing, or newer to a certain discipline that they want to expand into (alpine, crack climbing, canyoning etc.) then gifting an instructional book says a thousand words.
Climber Key Rings
You can't say that you couldn't get anything for your climber friend because they "already have everything" unless they own one of the coolest key holders going around! Honestly these things are always a winner.

Portable Training
Climbers can be sometimes picky about what home gym or permanent training they want to set up. But when you're talking about portable training it's more of an open slather. Having something you can take to the crag to warm up on, take on trips, take on the train to exercise the fingers - it's all good! The added value is that any piece of portable training can be used to extend a home setup as well which is awesome for relieving boredom and giving a bit of variation.
Climbing Clothing
Sometimes climbers can be a little reluctant to spend money on climbing clothing as you could send your next sport climbing project in a plain K-Mart tee, so it's not strictly necessary. But having a shirt, cap or jacket that represents their favourite shoe brand for example can speak volumes.
Bouldering Mats
Now we understand this one is a bit more expensive so is really for that "special someone", but imagine the look on their eyes when they see a 1.2m X 1.6m present all wrapped up under the tree come Christmas morning 🤩. Unlike ropes, harnesses etc. when it comes to boulder mats - more is more. The only thing you're limited by is your home storage space and how many you can fit in your car. When bouldering a highball 4 metres off the deck, no one ever said "I wish I had less boulder mats below me".
Funky Chalk Bags
This one isn't for every climber but if you know your special climber well, you'll know if it is or isn't for them. All we can say is that a lot of people LOVE funky chalk bags. It says that they don't take life or climbing "too" seriously.
Belay Glasses
So a few years ago belay glasses were basically for a very select few quirky climbers. Fast forward to today and they're an absolute staple at every gym or crag. Apparently it isn't necessary to have a sore neck... who would've thought? Anyway a pair of these funky things are small and light and will always stay in your mates pack so they'll be thankful when they find themselves on a long belay.
Knee Bar Pads
If your special someone fancy's them self as a bit of a crusher, loves pushing the grades, loves bouldering and sport climbing, but doesn't own a knee bar pad - then you've got a winner! They're not needed on 95% of boulder problems or climbs but when you do they are the best thing since artisan sourdough. They can also be the difference sending something and not, or even having a go at something or not, so it can open up a bunch of possibilities.
Stick Clips
Like the knee pads, stick clips can be an easy gift winner if you know your climber friend or partner doesn't have one. If they go sport climbing outside they'll never look back.
Now if you're still stumped after all of those suggestions give us a ring on 02 9264 5888!! 👍