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Mountain Equipment and Make Up For Missing Metres Competition

Make up for the metres you lost while in lockdown and you could win big!

We all dug in deep and got through lockdown (thanks to hangboard manufacturers and Netflix), now it's time to get out, enjoy the fresh "socially distant" air and make up for all the climbing metres we lost to get this year back on track.

From July 10 to August 10 climb as many clean metres as you can in any style - sport, trad, boulder, and log them on . The three climbers that ascend most metres in clean style in the categories female and male will receive the following prizes:

  • 1st place Female: $300 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher
  • 2nd place Female: $200 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher
  • 3rd place Female: $100 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher


  • 1st place Male: $300 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher
  • 2nd place Male: $200 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher
  • 3rd place Male: $100 - Mountain Equipment Gift Voucher

ADDED BONUS - Beat Luke Hansen !!!

Any climber who misses a podium spot but beats Luke Hansen will be entered into a draw to win one of twenty Mountain Equipment Gift Vouchers with a value of $30 each

*Only climbers registered in Australia and climbs must be in Australia.

For more information visit: