Exped has been making quality outdoor gear since 1997 but they revolutionised the world in 2002 with the introduction of the Downmat. Since then, they have expanded their range to include tents, drybags, sleeping bags and backpacks. Their ingenious simplicity, light weight, excellent craftsmanship and functionality has been translated into their expanded range, which now includes synthetic filled and ultra-light air-filled mats.
REM Pillow
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from $89.95
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from $89.95
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Do you want some comfort on the trail that will rival the comfort of your own bed? Then the Exped REM Pillow is the one for you. Exped used a combination of self-inflatable foam, soft ...
Venus 2 Extreme Tent - 4 Season
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The Exped Venus II Extreme is an absolute staff favourite and is strong enough to protect you alpine snow camping as well as ventilated enough for general bush camping year round. The V...
Splash 15 - Compact Waterproof Daypack & Drybag
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Do you need a waterproof stuff sack for your hiking gear?
Do you need a backup little 100g daypack that folds down to nothing?
With the Exped Splash 15 convertible daypack / fold dry b...
Schnozzel UL Pump Bag - For Exped Sleeping Mats
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Exped Ultralight pump sack with integrated Schnozzel for easy inflation of Exped Synmats and Downmats. Seriously the best thing since Facebook, this pumps up your mats so quick with min...
Cord Drybag UL
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from $23.95
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from $23.95
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The Exped Cord Drybag UL's start at 10 grams and max out at 32 grams for a 31L stuff sack! Use the Ultralightweight exped cord stuff sacks to organise your gear hiking, trekking, mounta...
Sit Pad Flex
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When you're on a long journey, whether that be hiking, alpine climbing or kayaking, having a soft and insulated seat you can deploy in seconds cannot be overrated. The Exped Sit Pad Fle...
Waterproof Compression Bag
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from $59.95
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from $59.95
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Need to fit a little more gear in that pack? The Exped Waterproof Compression bag is perfect for tent flys, tarps, sleeping bags or clothing. Fully tape sealed and in a 70 D taffeta Nyl...
Venus II Footprint
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The Exped Venus II Footprint is tailer made to fit your beloved Exped Venus II tent. Made from tough 70 D taffeta nylon which is PU coated and factory seam taped, it has a 3'000 mm wat...
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Air Pillow UL M
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At 45 grams no one, not even the lightest, fastest hiker out there has to rough-it at night. The Exped Air Pillow UL is the most comfortable thing you'll get under your head for next to...
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Widget Electric Sleeping Mat Pump & Power Bank
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You know how sometimes there's those things that you never new you wanted but now you know about them you want it? Well the Exped Widget is a crazy compact electric pump to inflate your...
Ultra 5R M Mummy Sleeping Mat
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Do you want the best warmth to weight ratio sleeping mat around? Do your adventures sometimes include extreme cold that take you high above the snow line? Well if so this is your mat!
Mountain Equipment acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands our stores are located on as well as the trails we hike, the crags we climb and the places we adventure.
We pay our respect to the Elders, past, present & emerging.
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