Exped has been making quality outdoor gear since 1997 but they revolutionised the world in 2002 with the introduction of the Downmat. Since then, they have expanded their range to include tents, drybags, sleeping bags and backpacks. Their ingenious simplicity, light weight, excellent craftsmanship and functionality has been translated into their expanded range, which now includes synthetic filled and ultra-light air-filled mats.
Large Down Pillow
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Transform your outdoor sleeping experience with the Exped Down Pillow, a luxurious and adjustable pillow designed for camping enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers. This pillow co...
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VersaQuilt Duo Sleeping Bag
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Introducing the Versa Quilt Duo, the ultimate spring/summer sleeping solution for couples. Ideal for camping, vanlife, or warm nights in a cabin, it's featherlight and packs down small,...
Dura 8R Long Wide Downmat Sleeping Mat
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If you're looking at the Exped 8R Long Wide Sleeping mat, then you're either after extreme comfort, or you're heading to the extreme cold. It honestly doesn't matter which reason you're...
Versa 1R M Sleeping Camp Mat
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For decades now Exped sleeping mats have set the standard for the most comfortable mats and the least weight. Now the new range from exped gives you that and more. Exped have maintained...
Dura 6R Medium Downmat Sleeping Mat
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The Exped Dura 6R Medium camp mat is arguably one of the most famous and sort after sleeping mats of the last 2 decades. It is the new and improved Downmat 7M and now offers even more d...
Typhoon 15 Daypack
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A fully weather proof daypack for hiking, commuting, leisure, climbing and more. The Exped Typhoon 15 litre daypack is made of durable and fully recycled 210D waterproof fabric. It's a...
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Transfer Wheelie Bag
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If you travel and lug around gear than listen up! This is a sweet product.
The Exped Transfer Wheelie Bag does two awesome jobs:
It converts any hiking rucksack into a completely pr...
Versa 2R M Sleeping Camp Mat
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For decades now Exped sleeping mats have set the standard for the best warmth to weight hiking mats you can get. Now the new range from exped gives you that and more. Exped have maintai...
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Flex Mat Plus
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from $79.95
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from $79.95
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The Exped Flex Mat Plus boasts 3.8cm of closed cell comfort and insulation. That's the most of any lightweight closed cell camp mat out there. It is tough, durable, warm and ready to re...
Lyra III Footprint
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Like all tent footprints, the Exped Lyra III footprint is great for two main things. The first and most important is that it protects the floor of your precious tent, adding heaps of du...
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SIM UL 3.8 M
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The Exped SIM UL M is the ultralight version of their classic SIM or Self Inflatable Mat. At 3.8cm thick this self inflatable hiking mat is about as comfy as they get before you start h...
Seal Sleeve A4
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The Exped A4 Seal Sleeve is a minimalist, 100% waterproof and transparent protector perfect for maps, books or other items that require protection from water and dust. If you're after t...
Mountain Equipment acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands our stores are located on as well as the trails we hike, the crags we climb and the places we adventure.
We pay our respect to the Elders, past, present & emerging.
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